Приключения Синдбада/The Adventures of Sinbad

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Вы здесь » Приключения Синдбада/The Adventures of Sinbad » "Survival Run" » Richard Comar - Видон

Richard Comar - Видон

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The Boxing Day Classic (2005) .... Constable Lapointe
"Twice in a Lifetime" .... Officer Russ Patello (2000)
"PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal" .... Brett Watterson (2000)
"The Adventures of Sinbad" (1998)
    - Survival Run (1998) .... Veedon
Ebenezer (1997) .... Ghost of Christmas, Present
"Kung Fu: The Legend Continues" .... Demeter (1996)
"TekWar" .... Frank Avery (1996)
"Side Effects" .... Douglas Burrows (1996)
Family of Cops (1995) .... Mr. Alexander
"Lonesome Dove: The Series" .... Douglas Armstrong (1995)
"RoboCop" .... Mr. Smith (1994)
"Destiny Ridge" (1993) TV series .... Don Jenkins
Coneheads (1993) .... Agent
"Secret Service" .... Kraines (1993)
Kickboxer 3: The Art of War (1992) .... Lane
"Sweating Bullets" .... Pike
"The Ray Bradbury Theater" .... Charles (1989)
Glory! Glory! (1989) .... Gary
"Bordertown" (1989) TV series .... Marshal Jack Craddock
"War of the Worlds" .... Advocate #1 (1988-1989)
Straight Line (1989)
"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" .... Williams (1988)
Short Circuit 2 (1988) .... Mr. Slater
Switching Channels (1988) .... Governor's Aide
Echoes in the Darkness (1987) .... Matt Mullin
"Night Heat" .... Robert Jackson (1987)
"Diamonds" (1987)
Rolling Vengeance (1987) .... T.V. Reporter
The Big Town (1987) .... Gem Club Gambler
Hearts of Fire (1987) .... Mr. Daniels
Covert Action (1987) .... Fenell
"Hot Shots" .... Sellers (1986)
"Adderly" .... Pete Bracken (1986)
Freeloading (1986) .... Mike Roddy
Mafia Princess (1986) .... Nick
Head Office (1985) .... TV Reporter
Reckless Disregard (1985) .... Steve Beller
Countdown to Looking Glass (1984) .... Pentagon Spokesman
Covergirl (1984) .... Barber
The Sins of Dorian Gray (1983)
The Funny Farm (1983) .... T.V. Director
Visiting Hours (1982) .... Emergency Doctor 2
Tulips (1981) .... Customer #1
Gas (1981) .... French Waiter 2
Affaire Bronswik, L' (1978) .... Narrator
One Man (1977)
Fleur bleue (1971) .... Le hippie
Loving and Laughing (1971)



"Bordertown" (1989) TV series


Вы здесь » Приключения Синдбада/The Adventures of Sinbad » "Survival Run" » Richard Comar - Видон